OVUM Lima-Perú - XXVI Latinamerican Poultry Congress (october 2019)

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October 2019 is the right date to meet one each other in Lima, within XXVI Latinamerican Poultry Congress.

Come and see us at Botth 89 where it will be a pleasure to discuss about Non Antibiotic Growth Promoter (COPINAT ULTRA), Egg Shell Enhancer (FORT OVO/OVO TOP), our new Hygine portfolio from VILOFOSS (STALOSAN), as well as mineral blocks that avoid pecking and promote animal welfare (PECK STONES) that can be used for broilers, egg layers, turkeys...

Dentro de la avicultura no tradicional, disponemos de productos tanto en linea standard como en ecológica para codornices, perdices, faisanes, etc.